• Own and work in a new or existing business in Australia.
  • Travel in and out of Australia multiple times.
  • Study in Australia.
  • Have your family accompany you to Australia; they will have the same entitlements as you.
  • Live and work in Australia on a permanent basis.

The visa has four streams.

  • The Business Innovation stream is for people who want to own and manage a new or existing business in Australia.
  • The Investor stream is for people who want to make a designated investment in an Australian state or territory and want to maintain business and investment activity in Australia after the original investment has matured.
  • The Significant Investor stream is for people who are willing to invest at least AUD5million into complying investments in Australia and want to maintain business and investment activity in Australia after the original investment has matured.
  • Premium Investor stream: for people who are willing to invest at least AUD15million into complying premium investments in Australia and want to maintain business and investment activity in Australia. Applicants must be nominated by Austrade on behalf of the Australian government.

Basic Eligibility

  • hold a relevant stream of the subclass 188 visa or in relation to applications for a subclass 888 visa in the Business Innovation stream, hold a relevant stream of the subclass 188 visa, or a subclass 444 (Special Category) visa, or a subclass 457 (Business (Long Stay)) visa granted in certain circumstances.

Business Innovation stream

This visa lets holders of the Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) in the Business Innovation stream or the Business Innovation Extension stream, or holders of a subclass 444 (Special Category) visa, or certain holders of a subclass 457 (Business (Long Stay) visa, stay permanently.

Stay Permanently

  • you must apply online
  • you must hold a subclass 188 in the business innovation stream,subclass 444 visa or certain holders of subclass 457 visa
  • you must be able to show ongoing business involvement

Investor stream

This visa lets you continue your investment activities in Australia permanently.

Stay Permanently

  • you must apply online
  • you must hold a subclass 188 in the investor stream
  • you must have held a designated investment of AUD1.5 million for 4 years

Significant Investor stream

This visa lets you continue your investment activities in Australia permanently.

Stay permanent.

Processing Time

  • you must apply online
  • you must hold a subclass 188 visa in the Significant Investor stream or Significant Investor Extension stream
  • you must have held a complying investment of AUD 5 million for 4 years


Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (subclass 888)

Premium investor stream

This visa lets you continue your investment activities in Australia permanently.

Stay Permanently

  • you must apply online
  • you must have held a subclass 188 visa in the Premium Investor stream for 12 months
  • you must have held a complying investment of AUD15 million for the duration of your subclass 188 visa

Entrepreneur stream

This visa lets you stay in Australia indefinitely. You can apply if you hold a Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) in the Entrepreneur stream. It lets you continue your entrepreneur activities in Australia.

Stay Permanently

  • you must have held a subclass 188 visa in the Entrepreneur stream for 4 years
  • have lived in Australia for at least 2 years while on the above visa
  • you must demonstrate a successful record of entrepreneurial activity in Australia while you held your subclass 188 visa